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Create Interactive Infographics to Get Your Message Out

One of the greatest challenges facing companies today is coming up with an effective marketing strategy that will not only bring more people to the website, but that will also engage those people. Infographic templates are typically seen as one of the most effective social media marketing strategies. 

With social media infographics, you will be able to create a shareable product that gets a message across in a manner that will help your audience understand.

Creating interactive infographics is one of the best marketing strategies that you can implement for the advancement of your company. It may seem like a daunting task if your knowledge of technology is rather limited, but the apps that you have to download and the time you will need to spend on creating infographic templates will pay off in the end.


How To Get Started


Social media users prefer to have images that provide them with the information they need instead of large blocks of text. The first thing that you need to do is gather your data information and statistics, as well as anything else that you may want to include in your infographic. It is important to remember that you need to cite these sources in your social media infographics. This information should be reliable, true, and relevant, and even somewhat unique as you need to present yourself as unique compared to the competition.


What’s Next

The most important part of infographics is not only to present your audience with statistics, demographic data, and other information. You need to tell your audience a story. Here are some ways in which you can do so.

  • Real-world examples
  • Analogies
  • Quotes
  • Data flow diagrams
  • Comparison charts
  • Graphics
  • Project timelines

Once you have come up with the story you want to tell in your infographic, you need to decide how you want it to be presented visually. You have to choose a theme for your presentation template that coincides with the topic you are presenting. For example, you can choose a red, white, and blue theme for an infographic template on the presidential elections. You may want to choose a green theme for nutrition infographic templates and more muted colors for serious topics.

There are plenty of apps that you can use that also include templates. One of the most commonly used, especially among graphic designers and social media users, is Canva. You also can choose to hire a graphic designer because a high-quality infographic design can help to take your business to new heights.


How to Include Interactive Elements

Aside from simple images, charts, and diagrams, you can also add interactive effects to your infographics that will make them stand out. You can use elements such as:

  • Animations
  • Transitions
  • Scrolling
  • Option to highlight (this works best for maps infographic templates)

If this sounds a little difficult and daunting to you, then you’re not alone. You can use Canva to create the infographic template, to begin with. Then, you can use an app such as Displayr that will allow you to add some of these animated elements. You also can use apps such as Visme, Tableau Public, and Copypress, all of which will allow you to create your infographic and add some interactive elements to it.

Otherwise, it is suggested that you consider hiring a graphic designer. If your financial reports will allow, you can have one as a permanent member of your team. Or, you can have one as a gig worker, who will certainly help you to achieve your business goals in no time.

Why should you even go through the trouble?

  • It will help you to stand out. The addition of these small animations in your business infographics will truly take them to the next level. When compared to other companies in your sector, your infographic templates and social media posts will stand out and attract many more people.
  • It will build your reputation. Investing in the services of a reputable graphic designer or taking the time to learn how to do it yourself will certainly benefit you in the long run. After seeing the high-quality templates that you have on social media, your website, or anywhere else, potential clients will see you as being professional and creative, which will thus build your reputation.



The best digital marketing strategy that you can implement for your company is the use of infographic templates. The addition of interactive elements such as animation and transitions will take your templates even further, providing you with the audience and clients that will take your business to new heights.