Get an extra discount and download our bestselling Vector Icons Library for Only $79 $19!

4000+ Extra Vector Icons
Check out thousands of hassle-free icons you can customize in seconds. No graphic design skills required.
Save time, Save Money, and most importantly, get stuff done -- with this robust library.
Create better presentations, infographics, documents, and designs faster with our robust library of vector icons.
Plus, get free updates! Each icon file is named easily, to make finding the perfect icon a breeze.
You can also customize every icon quickly, changing size, color, or grouping.
✅ PowerPoint Files
✅ Apple Keynote Files
✅ Google Slides Files
50+ Categories.
Easy to search to use in your presentation.
Save time, Save Money, and most importantly, get stuff done -- with this robust library.
Create better presentations, infographics, documents, and designs faster with our robust library of vector icons.
Plus, get free updates! Each icon file is named easily, to make finding the perfect icon a breeze.
You can also customize every icon quickly, changing size, color, or grouping.
✅ PowerPoint Files
✅ Apple Keynote Files
✅ Google Slides Files
50+ Categories.
Easy to search to use in your presentation.
USD $19
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